Don't Struggle in Silence: I am Resilient
"Have you ever heard the life-changing words during a pregnancy ultrasound “there is no heartbeat” or go in for a routine ultrasound to check the health of the baby only to find out that something was wrong and walk out with a life-changing diagnosis that no one was expecting? One in four women is affected by pregnancy loss, infertility, infant loss, miscarriage, stillbirth, chemical or ectopic pregnancy loss. It does not matter if you are Caucasian, African-American, Asian, Indian, Nigerian, or any other ethnicity, pregnancy or infant loss can affect us all. In this book, Jasmine Welch, Amie Lands, Aviva Solson, Michelle Smith, Aimee Rivenbark pour their hearts into telling their story after loss. They walk you through their unique, forever life changing experiences, as well as share with you what helped them to not lose all hope after their hearts were broken into pieces. With this book, you could be possibly triggered, but through those emotions, you will be able to connect, resonate, and become encouraged after reading these incredible and resilient stories. We share our stories to impact, connect and let other angel mothers and fathers know that they are not alone on their loss journeys. You will walk away with a different perspective about pregnancy and infant loss and understand why it’s so vital that we support each other and continue to bring awareness around this topic."